


wine, oenology, aesthetics of wine, philosophy of wine, brand, marketing of wine


The article introduces a new concept at the intersection of philosophy, aesthetics, literary criticism, history, oenology and branding: mythopoetics. Mythopoetics of wine is understood as a special method of wine analytics that takes the perception of wine beyond the narrow classification of color, bouquet and taste with elements of terroir into the area of image formation: the harmony of historical fact, myth, terroir, poetry, symbol, which are quintessed in a certain wine brand. The article is a continuation of the efforts of José Ortega y Gasset, Massimo Dona, Eric Asimov, Rauf and Alexei Akchurinov in creating an approach to the philosophical understanding of wine. Wine is defined as an essential element of human intellectual and emotional life, firmly embedded in religious practices, secular culture and various genres of art. An important fact is the strong incorporation of wine into the economic structure, especially in the great wine regions of France, Italy, Spain, and Germany: from wine tastings and wine tours to the formation of a solid segment of the alcohol market in the wholesale and retail trade networks. Mythopoetics of wine allows creating its legendarium, project myths about life and death, beauty and ugliness, harmony and chaos onto a specific brand of wine, form the image of a particular wine producer, enhancing the tasting value of wine, increasing interest in the courtliness of drinking wine, stimulating the tourist development of various regions, bringing the topic of wine to the level of the most pressing problems for interdisciplinary research, both in the field of fundamental knowledge and at the level of applied results.


For citation:
Shevchenko, O. K., & Dorofeeva, A. A. (2024). The mythopoetics of wine as an imaginative the absolute of human existence. Experience industries. Socio-Cultural Research Technologies (EISCRT), 1 (6), 136-165. (In Russian).


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Author Biographies

Oleg Shevchenko, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Yalta, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Anna Dorofeeva, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Yalta, Russia

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor



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How to Cite

Shevchenko, O., & Dorofeeva, A. (2024). THE MYTHOPOETICS OF WINE AS AN IMAGINATIVE THE ABSOLUTE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE. Experience Industries. Socio-Cultural Research Technologies, (1 (6), 2024), 136–165.



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