


self-presentation, digital media culture, informal youth movements, fandom, smart mob, flash mob


The article analyzes the specifics of the formation of self-presentation patterns of modern youth by means of media culture. There is a pluralization of formats and scenarios for the implementation of self-presentation in the conditions of a post-modern digital society, their inherent performativity, contextuality, decenteredness, translocality, the ability to combine various components, to synthesize initially heterogeneous elements. The eclectic image characteristic of some of the youth communities can be ambiguously deciphered from the outside, and the meanings and intentions found in it are sometimes very far from those that the members of these communities themselves initially put into their image. The question of whether the scenarios of self-presentation offered by the network media culture will lead to a mismatch between the various components of the integral “I” and an identity crisis is also relevant. On the basis of specific examples of youth self-presentation carried out in the Internet space and beyond, the possibility of expressing various values, attitudes and aspirations with its help, both positive, contributing to the implementation of socially approved and demanded goals, and negative, popularizing the ideas and practices of destructive subcultures, is illustrated.


For citation:
Shipulin, V. O. (2024). From "death groups" to smart mobs: the social meaning of self-presentation scenarios of youth in postmodern digital media culture. Experience industries. Socio-Cultural Research Technologies (EISCRT), 1 (6), 220-250. (In Russian).


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Author Biography

Vsevolod Shipulin, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Sociology



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How to Cite

Shipulin, V. (2024). FROM "DEATH GROUPS" TO SMART MOBS: THE SOCIAL MEANING OF SELF-PRESENTATION SCENARIOS OF YOUTH IN POSTMODERN DIGITAL MEDIA CULTURE. Experience Industries. Socio-Cultural Research Technologies, (1 (6), 2024), 220–250.